The manufacturers of the best parkour shoes are working on the so-called barefoot shoes for low impact training, which are also known as minimalist shoes. They have no extra cushioning and have a lot of space for the toes so that they can move freely. These shoes are soft, light and flexible allowing for the foot to be almost like barefoot. For the more heavy impact exercises, running shoes with more cushioning, a tighter sole and a tighter fit for more support can be used for parkour.

Nike Men’s Flex 2017 Puma Faas 500 V4

Men’s Flex 2017


Faas 500 V4

# 1 for men # 1 for men
Inov-8 F-Lite 240 Onitsuka Ultimate 81
Inov-8 F-Lite 240 (unisex) Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81
# 2 unisex # 2 unisex
Vivobarefoot Stealth Vivobarefoot EVO Pure
Vivobarefoot Women’s Stealth 2 Vivobarefoot – EVO Pure
# 3 for women # 3 for men

Best shoes for parkour at a glance

These are models which are being made specifically for parkour and free running provide that extra support and grip to the feet but are still light and flexible, and to provide that stronger sensibility of the feet to the ground and other stepping surfaces.It is crucial for people who practice parkour to find the right footwear, because the wrong ones can lead to slipping, falling and to sustaining very serious injuries.

Men’s corner