Since the late 1990’s when Zumba was first introduced as an excellent and fun filled fitness program, its popularity has been growing, with people around the world joining in to their local Zumba classes. But, as with any other fitness program or sport, the people practicing it want to perform at their best and to get the best fitness and health results from it. This is why, it is important to find comfortable and light shoes which will allow performing better, feel better and achieving better results during Zumba classes.

FlexRun 2017 women FlexRun 2017 men
Nike Flex 2017 RN
Nike Flex 2017 RN
for MEN
# 1 for ladies # 1 for gents
Ryka Women's Influence
Impact Pulse
# 2 for women # 3 for women
DS24 Rockit by Capezio
Capezio Dance sneaker DS24 Rockit Zumba Fade Dance Sneaker
# 4 for women # 5 for women

Best Zumba shoes at a glance

Given the intensity of the Zumba training sessions, as well as the types of movements and dancing required, you should look for training shoes which allow you to move your heel and feet easily, and are light so that the legs don’t get strained or sore from too much exercise.

Our top Zumba shoes picks